Distributed Computing
ETH Zurich

Regina O'Dell
Regina ODell -Bischoff

Regina ODell -Bischoff

(selected) Upcoming Conferences

Research Interests: mobile/dynamic networks, graph embedding (virtual coordinates, positioning)


Theses & Labs

Past Theses & Labs

Competitive Routing in Dynamic Graphs [confidential]SRegina ODell -BischoffFS 06
Embedding of Unit Disk Trees [confidential]MRegina ODell -BischoffFS 05Andreas Ottiger
Mobility Models [confidential]SRegina ODell -BischoffFS 05Florian Milde
Semester Project Network MappingsSRegina ODell -BischoffSS 05Yves Jacoby
Internet CoordinatesDRegina ODell -BischoffWS 05
Dynamic Graph LabelingsSRegina ODell -BischoffSS 04Andreas Kinell
Internet CoordinatesDRegina ODell -BischoffSS 04
Routing and Applications in Mobile Ad hoc NetworksMRegina ODell -BischoffSS 04
Virtual Cordinates SimulationDRegina ODell -BischoffSS 04
Internet Topology Comparing different approaches of inferring AS relationshipsMRegina ODell -BischoffWS 04Beatrice Huber
Survey of Mobile Ad-hoc Routing AlgorithmsDRegina ODell -BischoffWS 04Marc Schiely
Positioning AlgorithmsSRuedi Arnold,
Regina ODell -Bischoff
SS 03Christina Pöpper