Distributed Computing
ETH Zurich

Raphael Eidenbenz

Raphael Eidenbenz


Theses & Labs

Past Theses & Labs

Exploring and Improving BitTorrent Swarm Topologies [confidential]MRaphael Eidenbenz,
Roger Wattenhofer
HS 11
Selfish Network Link Speedup [confidential]SRaphael EidenbenzHS 11
Explore the World of BookcrossingMRaphael Eidenbenz,
Roger Wattenhofer
FS 11
MEAMM - Movie Experience and Metadata ManagerGRaphael EidenbenzFS 11,
Skirting ISP Traffic Shaping in P2P Systems, and CountermeasuresBRaphael Eidenbenz,
Roger Wattenhofer
FS 11
Tweaking Throughput on the Transport Layer [confidential]BRaphael EidenbenzFS 11
Practicability of T4T Along CyclesSRaphael Eidenbenz,
Roger Wattenhofer
FS 10
To Be or Not to Be a BitThief [confidential]SRaphael Eidenbenz,
Thomas Locher
HS 09
BitTorrent for Really Selfish Peers – T4T Trading over Cycles [confidential]SRaphael EidenbenzFS 09