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labs:namethatmovie [2016/04/22 14:02]
lpeer [Exercise 3 - Crawl Rottentomatoes]
labs:namethatmovie [2020/08/31 21:03] (current)
Line 11: Line 11:
   - Extract all relevant entries from the academy award nominees table on the linked website.   - Extract all relevant entries from the academy award nominees table on the linked website.
-  - Design a database schema and create a sqlite database with the collected data. Make sure you give your database the columns: ** year **, ** event **,  **movie**, **actor**, **role** and **won**.+  - Design a database schema and create a sqlite database with the collected data. Make sure you give your database the columns: ** year **, ** event **,  **movie**, **actor**, **role** and **won**. Be careful to [[https://​​2/​library/​sqlite3.html|escape]] all strings when adding rows to the database.
labs/namethatmovie.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/08/31 21:03 (external edit)