SoK: Attacks on DAOs Rainer Feichtinger, Robin Fritsch, Lioba Heimbach, Yann Vonlanthen and Roger Wattenhofer. Sixth International Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT), Vienna, Austria, September 2024. BibTeX
Liquid Staking Tokens in Automated Market Makers (Best paper award) Krzysztof Gogol, Robin Fritsch, Malte Schlosser, Johnnatan Messias, Benjamin Kraner and Claudio Tessone. Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy (MARBLE), Malaga, Spain, July 2024. ExternalBibTeX
The Economics of Automated Market Makers Robin Fritsch, Samuel Käser and Roger Wattenhofer. 4th ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, September 2022. ExternalBibTeX
The Price of Majority Support Robin Fritsch and Roger Wattenhofer. 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Online, May 2022. ExternalBibTeX
Two-Agent Tree Evacuation Béni Egressy, Henri Devillez, Robin Fritsch and Roger Wattenhofer. 28th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Wrocław, Poland, June 2021. ExternalBibTeX
Theses & Labs
Past Theses & Labs
Leverage Staking using Liquid Staking Tokens [confidential]