Distributed Computing
ETH Zurich

Barbara Keller

Barbara Keller


Theses & Labs

Past Theses & Labs

What is in the yelp data?GBarbara Keller,
Jochen Seidel
FS 15,
A Smart Situational ReminderSBarbara Keller,
Jara Uitto
HS 14
Accurate Weather ForecastBBarbara Keller,
Jochen Seidel
HS 14
Magic Public Transport Information [confidential]SBarbara Keller,
Pascal Bissig
HS 14
Mapping the PastSChristian Decker,
Barbara Keller
HS 14
A RESTful API for the AMIVGJochen Seidel,
Barbara Keller
HS 14,
Listening to Music in GroupsSJara Uitto,
Barbara Keller
FS 14
Find your Personal Movie Critic [confidential]SBarbara Keller,
Michael König
HS 12
Throw Your SmartphoneSBarbara Keller,
Jara Uitto
HS 12
On the Feasibility of Opportunistic Ad Hoc Music Sharing [confidential]BBarbara Keller,
Samuel Welten
FS 12
Virtual IDGBarbara Keller,
Jochen Seidel
FS 12,
SGT Toolbox - A Playground for Spectral Graph TheoryMTobias Langner,
Barbara Keller
HS 11
wgfinanceGBarbara KellerFS 11,