Distributed Computing
ETH Zurich

Till Aczel

Till Aczel

Distributed Computing Group
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Department Electrical Engineering (D-ITET)
Office ETZ G 60.1
ETH Zurich

Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zurich

phone+41 44 63 26401
fax+41 44 63 21036


Theses & Labs

Available Theses & Labs

Automated Foosball CommentarySTill Aczel,
Joël Mathys
Deep Differentiable Logic Gate NetworksM/STill Aczel,
Andreas Plesner
View-Specific Video CompressionM/STill Aczelavailable

Current Theses & Labs

Eigenvector-Masked AutoencodersBTill Aczel,
Andreas Plesner
FS 25
Effectiveness of Multi-Scale Aggregation for Adversarial RobustnessBAndreas Plesner,
Till Aczel
FS 25
Evaluating AI-Generated Image Detection Across Resolution and ComplexityBTill Aczel,
Andreas Plesner
FS 25
Impact of Training Data on Adversarial ExamplesBAndreas Plesner,
Till Aczel
FS 25
ML for FashionMLuca Lanzendörfer,
Till Aczel
FS 25
RecopmressionBTill AczelFS 25
Scalar Quantization for Audio CompressionSTill Aczel,
Luca Lanzendörfer
FS 25
Human-aligned Compression for Robust ModelsSAndreas Plesner,
Till Aczel
HS 24
Optimizing Encoding Speed for Image CompressionMTill AczelHS 24
View-Specific Video CompressionBTill AczelHS 24

Past Theses & Labs

Automated Visual Foosball TrackingBJoël Mathys,
Till Aczel
HS 24
Wave Function Collapse for Graph Generation [confidential]STill Aczel,
Joël Mathys
HS 24
Jigsaw Puzzle Solver using Machine Learning [confidential]SAndreas Plesner,
Till Aczel
FS 24
Exploring Typical and Uncertainty-Driven Active Learning on DINO Embeddings to Enhance Versatility [confidential]STill Aczel,
Benjamin Estermann
HS 23
DataComp ChallengeGTill Aczel,
Benjamin Estermann
HS 23
SUPClust: Active Learning at the BoundariesSBenjamin Estermann,
Till Aczel
HS 23