Distributed Computing
ETH Zurich

Andreas Plesner

Andreas Plesner

Distributed Computing Group
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Department Electrical Engineering (D-ITET)
Office ETZ G 95
ETH Zurich

Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zurich



Theses & Labs

Current Theses & Labs

Asynchronous Cellular AutomataMFlorian Grötschla,
Andreas Plesner
HS 24
Breaking Image CAPTCHAs and designing a new CAPTCHA MAndreas PlesnerHS 24
LLMs for contract negotiationMAndreas PlesnerHS 24
Confsearch 2024SAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Finding sybils using GNNsMAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Graphs in Medicine: Working with Blood Vessel NetworksMJoël Mathys,
Andreas Plesner
FS 24
Jigsaw puzzle solver using machine learningSAndreas Plesner,
Till Aczél
FS 24
Using PINNs to predict rail irregularitiesMAndreas PlesnerFS 24

Past Theses & Labs

Breaking Google’s reCAPTCHAv3 [confidential]SAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Breaking Google’s reCAPTCHAv3 - Getting good cookies [confidential]SAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Breaking Google’s reCAPTCHAv3 - How are humans classified [confidential]SAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Data Driven Anomaly Detection for Rails using In-service Railway VehiclesBAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Data Driven Anomaly Detection of Springs in In-service Railway Vehicles [confidential]BAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Reconstructing ODEs for Railway Vehicles Using Machine Learning [confidential]BAndreas PlesnerFS 24
Best Pokémon TeamBAndreas PlesnerHS 23
I’m a Robot. Solving CAPTCHAs with Advanced Machine Learning Techniques [confidential]SAndreas PlesnerHS 23
Automated Positioning for Smart Lighting [confidential]MJudith Beestermöller,
Andreas Plesner
HS 23
Generative Models for Financial Data: Applications to Initial Margin and its Backtesting [confidential]MAndreas PlesnerFS 23