Seminar in Deep Neural Networks (FS 2025)
When & Where: Tuesdays 10:15 - 12:00, ETZ E 9.
First seminar: 18.02.2025
Last seminar: 27.05.2025
Easter holidays: No seminar on 22.04.2025
Coordinators: Frédéric Berdoz, Benjamin Estermann, Roger Wattenhofer.
This is a seminar, we will focus on recent reasearch and skip most of the basics. We assume that all participants are familiar with the fundamentals on deep neural networks. If you feel like you cannot follow the discussions, please check out this playlist, this lecture, the book by Francois Chollet on Deep Learning with Python, or any other lectures or books on deep neural networks.
Seminar Timeline
- When you sign up to the seminar on myStudies, you will automatically be placed on a waiting list.
- Before the start of the semester, we will publish a list of papers (you will be notified by mail). You can then tell us what your preferences are.
- We will assign the papers (and consequently grant a definitive spot in the seminar) on a first-come first-serve principle, based on how quickly you submit these preferences. The presentations will also be scheduled in this order. Further, you will be assigned a mentor that is familiar with the topic and helps you with the preparation of your presentation.
- In the first week of the semester, there will be no presentations. Instead, we will give an introduction to the seminar and some tips on scientific presentations.
- After that, every week two students will present their respective papers.
Preparation Timeline
- Around 4 weeks before your talk: first meeting with your mentor where you discuss the structure of the talk.
- 4 to 1 week before your talk: you meet with your mentor as often as both parties find necessary to be making progress.
- At least 1 week before your talk: The presentation is ready, and you will present your presentation (as a test run) to your mentor only.
- Your mentor will get a copy of your test run presentation slides. (These slides will not become public, but they may influence your seminar grade.)
- Your mentor will give you feedback, and you are supposed to update your final presentation based on this feedback.
- Please send us your slides at least on the day before your presentation.
Your Presentation
- Your presentation should be 30 minutes long.
- After your presentation, you should organize a lively discussion about your presentation, for up to 15 minutes.
- It may help discussions if you also try to be critical about the presented work.
- Your presentation should take into account these presentation guidelines.
- Beyond these guidelines, you may find other useful tips about good scientific presentations online, for instance here, or here.
- All work copy/pasted from others (figures, explanations, examples, or equations) must be properly referenced.
The most important part of your grade will be the quality of your presentation, both content and style. In addition, we grade how well you motivate and direct the discussions with the audience, during and after the presentation. Also, we also grade how actively you participate in the discussions throughout the semester. And finally, we also value attendance and the quality of your mentor-only test presentation.